Ring Size Guide

An engagement ring will be a constant reminder and symbol of your marriage and is something that your partner will wear forever. One vital factor that must be considered is the ring size. Even the thought of getting the ring size for an engagement ring wrong can be daunting! So, before you start browsing rings, types and styles for your perfect day, you should know a perfect size. 

Make sure you know your partner’s accurate ring size because nothing is more heartbreaking than losing such precious gems while doing the dishes or not being able to wear your ring because it cuts off blood circulation.  

Getting the right size can be one of the most complicated tasks while looking for a ring, as it depends on a lot of different elements. Ring material, band width and finger shape are all things that you need to consider. Our step-by-step guide will help you with quick and easy tips and tricks to determine the right size for your engagement ring. 

How to measure ring size? 

The most precise way to determine the right ring size for your partner is to go to a specialist or jeweller to get your finger measured if they don’t already know their size. 

Ideally, a professional jeweller will do this with the help of a ring sizer to avoid any mistakes, but just in case this isn’t possible and you are afraid of incorrect ring-sizing and re-sizing, the following ‘String Method’ can be of great help! 

Follow the steps below to get a near-accurate reading to avoid any risk. 

How to get a near-accurate estimate for your partner’s ring size without visiting the jeweller:

  1. Though this is the ‘String Method’, a piece of string or floss tends to be less reliable as it is thinner and is more likely to move around. So, it is easier to use a strip of paper. Get your hands on a strip of paper, making sure it is not wider than 1.4 cm [1/2 inches]. The width here refers to the ‘band width’, had this been your actual ring.

  2. Wrap the strip of paper around the base of the finger you intend to put the ring on. Keep it snug and close to your knuckle, where the engagement ring will realistically hit the base of the finger. 

  3. Take a pen or a pencil and carefully mark the point where the string/paper strip overlaps to form a complete circle.

  4. With a ruler, accurately measure the length of the paper or string. Start from the beginning end of the paper to the pen mark you have made. Measure it in cms or inches, depending on the size guide you will be using.  

Things to consider while measuring with the String Method

Though this method will help you obtain an estimated result, to make sure you have the most accurate ring size, consider the following:

  • Fingers are usually the largest at the end of the day. So make sure to measure your/your partner’s finger at the end of the day to avoid any confusion. 

  • Once you have marked the ring size on the strip of paper/string with a pen, try sliding the ring sizer on and off. Make sure it slides off easily and is comfortable to slide back on, but does not slip off without effort. 

  • It is better to avoid measuring fingers when they are cold, as this is when fingers are the smallest. 



When measuring for the ideal ring size, it is the circumference that you need. This circumference of a finger correlates to the inner circumference of the ring giving you the proper ring size. You can determine your ring size with the help of the following chart! 

For example, if the circumference of your finger is 40.3m, you would round that to the closest size which would be 40.4mm and go for a ‘C’ ring size.

UK Ring Sizes 

Ring Size


Ring Size


Ring Size
























































Try on someone else’s ring 

Another way to get the right ring size for your partner's engagement ring is to rummage through their jewellery box and check rings that they already own and wear. Yes, we understand you wouldn’t want to ‘borrow’ anything without asking, but it’s for a good cause! So just pick one that you have seen them wear most often. 

Whether they keep it in a box with other jewellery pieces, on the nightstand or a special ring stand, look out for the right opportunity to get your hands on their ring without them knowing. Do this while they are busy and you are confident you will not get caught planning your surprise! 

When you pick one of your beloved’s rings for size, make sure you know which hand and finger they wear it on, as this can factor in and impact ring size drastically. Both hand sizes and finger sizes usually vary. The dominant hand usually tends to be larger than the less dominant hand, making it essential for you to know which hand the ring you are borrowing, is worn on. Try to get a ring your partner already wears on the finger that they will wear the engagement ring on to make things easier. If that is a difficult task, pick any ring, just be sure to know which finger it is usually worn on to help an expert jeweller easily determine what your partner’s ring finger size is. 

What to do next?

Now that you have a ring in your possession, the next steps depend on how long you keep the ring. If your partner has just stepped into the shower, is doing the dishes or just gone to a local store, you have little time. Whereas, if they have decided to take a trip on a weekend or have a long office day, you have much longer. 

If you are short on time, you can:

  1. Take a piece of paper and trace the inner circumference of the ring onto it 

  2. Press the ring into a bar of soap to get an accurate impression of it – be sure to rinse the ring before you return it to its original place to avoid getting caught! 

  3. Slide the ring onto your own finger and mark where it stops sliding down with a pen or marker that will not wash away too easily

Taking any of these measured sizes to a professional jeweller will help you get a very close size. 

If you have a little longer with the ring you obviously have better options to make sure you can get the most precise size for your big day. If you have a day or two to spare, you can easily take the sample ring to the jewellers to have it sized properly.

Comparing with other rings to determine what you want 

You can also consider trying on other engagement rings to see how they fit and feel, as there are many factors that affect the size of an engagement ring. For example, the bandwidth of rings can make a difference of around 0.25 – 0.5 cm. Wider bands can make rings feel tighter and smaller, so you can try on a ring with a wider band if that’s what you are going for, and you can estimate your size accordingly. Materials, stone sizes and other such things should also be considered.